“The doctors said my son might never walk or talk, but today he made two baskets at his basketball game. He’s the passion behind what I do every day.” – Jeaneen Tang
“We are nature. We're not separate from it. We have a role in nature, and all of our actions affect what happens in nature.” – Patricia Newman
“Slow down and appreciate every single moment and every interaction you have.” – Dr. Michelle Maidenberg
“When you really understand how to program your mind, the amount of being able to just enjoy life is incredible.” – Brandy Gillmore
"We have an untapped whole portion of our mind that we haven't used yet, and intuition is the key to unlocking that and expanding our consciousness." – Kim Chestney
“Mini Meg was all about making books out of construction paper. I chose this path, and it's led me to a lot of really cool places and to meeting really amazing people.” – Meg Jerit
"Be in the driver's seat when it comes to molding your career." – Venchele Saint Dic
"When you know who you are, it doesn't matter what anyone else says." – Richard Kweku EzeAgu Akinyemi
"Introvert is not a get out of jail free card to avoid hearing your voice, nor is it just a more academic-sounding vocabulary word as a synonym for shy." - Dr. Laura Sicola
"We are sending an image of ourselves through our words." - Erin Lebacqz
Always beware when you hear mayhem and catastrophe being blamed on wind and water because human beings are almost always hiding behind those words.
"I knew that if in that darkest moment, if I was going to be kept alive, there was a reason for it, and I knew life wasn't going to be what it had always been, it wasn't going to be this painful thing.” – Amanda Blackwood
"Your podcast is a recipe, it's not a statue. You can change it later." – Dave Jackson
"If the public doesn't understand what we're doing, then that's our fault." – Leah Elson
“Kids rise or fall based on your expectation." - Dr. Danny Brassell