“When I help others, I feel a little piece of me heals each time.” – Janae Sergio
“When I help others, I feel a little piece of me heals each time.” – Janae Sergio
Today’s featured bonus bestselling author is mom, wife, US Navy Combat veteran, philanthropist, and fashion entrepreneur, Janae Sergio. Janae and I talk about her book, “Perfectly Flawed: A Veteran's Journey from Homeless to Hero”, having a hero mentality, and more motivational goodness!!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
What led Janae to join the Navy
Her past sexual assault experiences and her advice for others that have dealt with sexual assault
Her writing process for finishing her book
The mindset required to overcome challenges and create your own version of success
Janae’s Site: https://perfectlyflawedbook.com/
Janae’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X368NBN/ref=cm_sw_r_api_i_AJF16D8K3JN253Q5SF3Q_0
The opening track is titled, "Phoenix Rises" by Asis Galvin. Click on the following link to listen to the full track and cop the album. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/phoenix-rises-mvc-3-theme-remix
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