“You never know what could go right.” – Lorna Greyling
“You never know what could go right.” – Lorna Greyling
Today’s bonus featured author is an international award-winning model, TV presenter, actress, mom, wife, and motivational speaker, Lorna Greyling. Lorna and I have a fun chat about her book, ”Kidnapped: A True Story”, her faith, how she became the 2017 Mrs. Transcontinental after starting her modeling career at the age of 36, and more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
How Lorna went from shy to winning Ms. Transcontinental
Why beauty pageant preparation involves more than beauty
How losing makes you a better winner
How faith plays a major role in her life
How her family survived the kidnapping of her husband
Lorna’s Site: https://www.lornagreyling.com/
The opening track is titled “Heart OF Sword 011” by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To hear and download the full track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/heartofsword011-samuraix
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