April 26, 2021

348.5 - “Treasures of the Heart” with Lawna Mackie (@Lawnamackie)

348.5 - “Treasures of the Heart” with Lawna Mackie (@Lawnamackie)
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348.5 - “Treasures of the Heart” with Lawna Mackie (@Lawnamackie)

“Keep calm, always be kind, be happy everyday, and keep eating milk and cookies.” – Lawna Mackie

“Keep calm, always be kind, be happy everyday, and keep eating milk and cookies.” – Lawna Mackie


Today’s featured author is a wife and an avid animal lover who loves critters of all kinds, Lawna Mackie. Lawna and I talk about why she became a romance writer, creativity, and tons more!!


Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:

Why she became a Romance writer.

Where Lawna finds her creativity.

The genre she plans to explore next in her writer’s journey.



Lawna’s Site: https://lawnamackie.ca/wordpress/about-me-2/

Lawna’s Books: https://lawnamackie.ca/wordpress/books/


The opening track is titled, ”Wish 4 You” by Rukunetsu AKA Project R. To listen to this track in its entirety and support the artist, click the following link. https://projectr.bandcamp.com/track/wish-4-you


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