289 – “You’re Absolutely Worth It” with Velera Wilson (@VeleraWilson)

Relationships matter more than hard work alone when it comes to career advancement. Today’s featured author is speaker, Coach, and Success Strategist for Ambitious Women, Velera Wilson. Velera and I talk about owning your self-confidence,...
Relationships matter more than hard work alone when it comes to career advancement.
Today’s featured author is speaker, Coach, and Success Strategist for Ambitious Women, Velera Wilson. Velera and I talk about owning your self-confidence, mentorship, and why you need a sponsor in your career advancement journey.
Key Things You’ll Learn:
The major limiting beliefs that women get help with from Velera
Why you need a career sponsor to give you an advantage.
Her advice for women getting started with their careers.
How to stay motivated.
Velera’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DX2W3LC
Velera’s Site: https://www.velerawilson.com/
The opening track is titled “Q Sound Type R” by Rukunetsu AKA Project R. you can listen and purchase the full track by clicking the following link. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRSZL5Q/ref=dm_ws_tlw_trk9
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