276 – “Over My Dead Body” with Jen Gaudet (@jen_coaching)

“Life is here to be lived and it’s meant to be humorous.” – Jen Gaudet Today’s featured international bestselling author is speaker and life strategist, Jen Gaudet. Jen and I have a fun conversation about setting boundaries, saying...
“Life is here to be lived and it’s meant to be humorous.” – Jen Gaudet
Today’s featured international bestselling author is speaker and life strategist, Jen Gaudet. Jen and I have a fun conversation about setting boundaries, saying “no” from a place of love and tons more! This is one episode that you don’t want to miss!
Key Thing’s You’ll Learn:
Why work/life balance doesn’t exist, especially now.
Why saying “no” is not rejecting someone.
The meaning behind Jen’s coffee mug collection. :)
Why saying yes too much to the wrong thing leaves you empty.
What success means to Jen.
What can truly bring you joy.
How to say no from a place of love.
What Jen does to “secretly” manage her energy. :)
Jen’s Site: https://jengaudetcoaching.com/
The opening track is titled, "Don't You" from The Solar Mixtape by Asis Galvin. Be sure to capture this beat by clicking this link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/dont-you
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