271 – “Thirst of the Heart” with Udo Erasmus (@UdosOfficial)

”You were born loaded.” – Udo Erasmus Today’s featured international bestselling author is teacher, keynote speaker, and Flaxseed Oil Pioneer, Udo Erasmus. Udo and I have a deep conversation about the connection to our own internal being and...
”You were born loaded.” – Udo Erasmus
Today’s featured international bestselling author is teacher, keynote speaker, and Flaxseed Oil Pioneer, Udo Erasmus. Udo and I have a deep conversation about the connection to our own internal being and living in harmony with nature.
Key Things You’ll Learn:
Why stillness has power.
Why humans are wired for harmony.
Why self-knowledge is a must.
Where heartache begins.
The importance of not letting people get away with stupid ideas.
Udo’s Site: http://udoschoice.com/
Udo’s Book & Other Goods: https://udoerasmus.com/goingnorth
The opening track for this episode is titled "Earth and Sea II" by Rukunetsu aka Project R (@Rukunetsu). Be sure to support this artist by clicking on the following link: https://projectr.bandcamp.com/.
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