253.5 (Host 2 Host Special) – “The University of Adversity” with Lance Essihos (@EssihosLance)

“Hard times are a part of the journey of life.” – Lance Essihos
Today’s featured bonus guest is fellow podcaster and entrepreneur, Lance Essihos. Lance and I talk about grief, podcasting, and more.
Key Things You'll Learn:
Why Lance started the University of Adversity and how it got its name.
How to deal with grief.
What new and aspiring podcaster should keep in mind as they start their show.
The 3 required classes of every student enrolled at the University of Adversity if it was a physical college campus like Harvard or Princeton.
Lance’s Site: https://lanceessihos.com/
Lance’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-142-dom-brightmon-advancing-yourself-staying-course/id1440306226?i=1000461147515
The opening track is titled “Beach Daze” by Marcus D. To listen and purchase the full track, click on the following link. https://marcusd.net/track/beach-daze
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