251 – “Solutionaries” with Linda Lattimore (@LindaLattimore8)

“My perfect day wasn’t about me. It’s about what we’re doing as a collective coming together.” – Linda Lattimore
Today’s featured author is seasoned lawyer, C-suite executive, business strategist and architect for change, Linda Lattimore. Linda and I talk about how she’s staying sane during the pandemic, being your own best resource, and tons more!
Key Things You’ll Learn:
- What morning habits to change or avoid to start off on a positive note.
- The ingredients needed to bake your own “Success” cake.
- How companies are taking social responsibility to better themselves.
- What Linda’s perfect day would look like.
Linda’s Site: http://www.lindalattimore.com/
Linda’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Lattimore/e/B07BH7PV1S/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1
Linda's Special Course: https://www.solutionariesacademy.com/store/qACE6iXo
Coupon Code for the Above Course Mentioned in Episode: ILLUMINATE40
The opening track is titled, Mountain Heights (ReM) by Madxruler (formally known as Ruler Inc.) To cop this track, click the following link. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/mountain-heights-rem
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