May 18, 2020

250 – “Turn Down the Noise” with Justin Rambo (@JustinRambo3)

250 – “Turn Down the Noise” with Justin Rambo (@JustinRambo3)
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250 – “Turn Down the Noise” with Justin Rambo (@JustinRambo3)

“Being an introvert is my life’s biggest superpower.” – Justin Rambo

Today’s featured author is fellow podcast host, entrepreneur, father, husband, and personal development junkie, Justin Rambo. Justin and I talk about why his personal growth exploded after finding stillness, podcasting, and tons more!!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

How his past failures were a sign of a lack of focus.

The 2 major distractions that hold most people back.

Lessons learned from producing 50+ podcast episodes.

The quiet person’s advantage.


Justin’s Site:

Justin’s Podcast:

Justin’s Book:


The opening track is titled "Glorious Fanfare Remix" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link.


Resources Mentioned:

“Guaranteed Success” by Master P:


Related Episodes:

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