248.5 (Host 2 Host Special) – “A Self-Kick of Positivity” with Shelley Knight (@ShelleyFKnight)

Even the most positive person has a down day. It’s about choosing how you live through the day that matters.
What happens when two ultra-positive podcast hosts get together? Lots of fun and laughs. That’s what happens. Today’s featured author is fellow author, podcast host, and retired nurse, Shelley Knight. Shelley and I talk about self-acceptance, grief, and why super happy people are still human.
Key Things You’ll Learn:
The setbacks that led to her current high level of sustained positivity.
What people get wrong about the 5 stages of grief.
What the dying taught her about living.
Why her 1st book is organized in the way it is.
Why positive people still have bad days.
Shelley’s Site: http://shelleyfknight.com/
Shelley’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/positive-changes-a-self-kick-podcast/id1499710422
The opening track is titled "Pilot Wings Remix" by Rukunetsu (aka Project R). Click on the following link to listen and cop the full tune. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/pilotwings-4-results
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