232 – “Podcast Power” with Heneka Watkis-Porter (@TheEntrepYou)

“A goal without a date is just a wish.” - Heneka Watkis-Porter
Today’s featured author is fellow podcast host, speaker, and entrepreneur, Heneka Watkis-Porter. Heneka and I talk about her newest book, what podcasting has done for her and even an idea for a new podcast.
Key Takeaways:
Everyday is a thanksgiving day.
To much is given, much is expected.
“Podcasting is an amazing way to get your message out.”
The world is your oyster.
Always pay it forward.
Faith is a source of creativity and power.
Heneka’s Site: https://henekawatkisporter.com/
Heneka’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/Heneka-Watkis-Porter/e/B00JY4IPTG?ref_=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000
Heneka’s Podcast: https://henekawatkisporter.com/ep-155-going-north-tips-techniques-to-advance-yourself-with-dominique-brightmon/
The opening track is titled “Amor Vencer” from Subterranean Sessions by MadXruler formerly known as Ruler Inc. Capture this tune and the whole album by clicking this link. https://rulerinc.bandcamp.com/album/subterranean-sessions
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