Feb. 10, 2020

222 – “The Journey to Cloud Nine” with Jordan Gross

222 – “The Journey to Cloud Nine” with Jordan Gross
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222 – “The Journey to Cloud Nine” with Jordan Gross

Any action is better than complacency.


Today’s featured bestselling author is TEDx speaker, executive coach, and startup founder Jordan Gross. Jordan and I talk about his newest book, the benefits of fiction books, and how to live your own cloud nine life!


Key Takeaways:

How do I figure out what I truly want to do?

Have gratitude for nature.

Fiction books provide a release and escape from the norm.

Explore your curiosities.

Action brings clarity.

Take what the greats have done and put your own spin to it.

Am I truly living according to who I know I can become?


Jordan’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-Cloud-Nine-Confront-Redefine-ebook/dp/B0815S6DY3/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Journey%20to%20Cloud%20nine&qid=1579644540&sr=8-1


Jordan’s Site: https://www.journeytocloudnine.com/


The opening track is titled “StarDreams” by MadXruler formerly known as Ruler Inc. Capture this tune by clicking the following link. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/stardreams


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