Feb. 3, 2020

220 – “Medical Intuition” with Wendie Colter (@PracticalPathUS)

220 – “Medical Intuition” with Wendie Colter (@PracticalPathUS)
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220 – “Medical Intuition” with Wendie Colter (@PracticalPathUS)

“Take care of your energetic hygiene.” – Wendie Colter


Today’s featured author is Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner (CMIP®), Certified Master Energy Healing Practitioner, Transformational Coach (CEG) and singer, Wendie Colter. Wendie and I talk about intuition, self-care and more!!!


Key Takeaways:

Everybody has intuition. It’s a natural human trait that we don’t tap into enough.

Empathy is a form of intuition.

A holistic view is a comprehensive view.

Stress is the biggest issue that folks tackle with from day to day.

Have a regular meditation practice. Meditation is a gift that you give to yourself.


Wendie’s Site: https://www.thepracticalpath.com/


The opening track is titled "Good Morning World" by MagicMusic Productions. Listen and download the full track by clicking on the following link. https://magicmusicx.bandcamp.com/track/good-morning-world


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