Jan. 30, 2020

219 – “Genuine Progress Through Underdog Empowerment” with Zachary Babcock (@zacharyjbabcock)

219 – “Genuine Progress Through Underdog Empowerment” with Zachary Babcock (@zacharyjbabcock)
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219 – “Genuine Progress Through Underdog Empowerment” with Zachary Babcock (@zacharyjbabcock)

“Being real opens you up to more growth.” – Zachary Babcock


Today’s featured author is fellow podcast host and prisoner turned six-figure business owner Zachary Babcock. Zach and I talk about how being genuine in the land of social media shysters gives you an edge, his major goal to lower recidivism rates in America and more!!!


Key Takeaways:

Always be responsible for your actions.

You can truly dominate in life if you get rid of your victim mindset.

Your cup must be full before filling anyone else’s cup.

Human nature wants to complicate some things that don’t need to be complicated.

You learn by doing so take more action and pivot when necessary.

Some steps just can’t be skipped when creating your own version of success.


Zach’s Site: https://underdogempowerment.com/

Zach’s Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/underdog-empowerment/id1373572178  


The opening track is titled, "Ragtown" by madxruler (formally known as Ruler Inc.) Click the following link to cop this track and the entire album. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/ragtown


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67 – “Live Determined” with Reginald Foreman (@_Reggieforeman): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/67-live-determined-with-reginald-foreman-_reggieforeman