Jan. 16, 2020

215 – “Supernatural Favor” with Sonja Prince-Ward

215 – “Supernatural Favor” with Sonja Prince-Ward
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215 – “Supernatural Favor” with Sonja Prince-Ward

People love seeing success stories and God created you to be one of them.


Today’s featured author is HR Specialist, Assisted Living Owner, minister and Marriage expert, Sonja Prince-Ward. Sonja and I talk about her co-author project, keys to a happy marriage and more!!!


Key Takeaways:

Any negative situation can be turned around into a blessing.

Marriage will not answer all your problems if you’re single.

Marriage is work.

Communication, consideration, conflict resolution, and compromise are the 4 C’s to a happy marriage.


Sonja’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Empowered-Win-Stories-Tribulations-Difference-ebook/dp/B082FRXN5R/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ZK32A8PZO4XZ&keywords=empowered+to+win&qid=1579190642&s=books&sprefix=empowered+to+wi%2Caps%2C137&sr=1-1

Prince of Peace Assisted Living: https://www.princeofpeaceal.com/


The opening track is titled "Fly" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (http://marcusd.net/track/fly-ft-choklate) and support his craft.


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