206 – “Making Space, Clutter Free” with Tracy McCubbin (@tracy_mccubbin)

“Clutter is a constant to-do list.” - Tracy McCubbin
Today’s featured bestselling author is clutter expert and Co-Executive Director of the nonprofit, OneKid OneWorld, Tracy McCubbin. Tracy and I talk about how to never lose your keys again, how she started her successful decluttering business and tons more!!!
Key Takeaways:
People attach stories to their stuff that eventually becomes clutter.
Clutter has an ongoing cost of time and space.
“Humans are very reward oriented."
When you’re paying for a room in your home that you don’t use for anything else besides storage, then you are losing money.
Pay attention to where your home isn’t working for you and visualize how you want it to be if it’s not in that state yet.
“Rome wasn’t cluttered in a day.”
Know your worth and charge accordingly as a professional (organizer). Don’t pay yourself below minimum wage.
Tracy’s Site: https://dclutterfly.com/
The opening track is titled "New Perspective" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. http://marcusd.net/album/secret-bosses-unreleased-retrod-beats
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