198 - "Expect Miracles" with Gina Roda (@TAOConsciousL) #chaostoclarity

“Find your peace in the storms of life.” - Gina Roda
Today’s featured bestselling author is fellow coach and fashion consultant, Gina Roda. Gina and I talk about how she overcame grief and the power of self-love.
Key Takeaways:
Chaos to clarity speaks to every human experience.
Allow yourself to weep during grief.
Be willing to do the work.
Self-care is a way to peace.
Gina's Site: http://theartofconsciouscoaching.com/
Order a copy of the above book, “Chaos to Clarity” Here: https://sacredstoriespublishing.com/#!/chaos-to-clarity
The opening track is titled "Parepare" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (https://marcusd.net/track/parepare) and support his craft.
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