186 - "The Success Chronicles" with Chip Baker

“No one’s immune from going through tough things.” - Chip Baker
Today's featured author is coach, 4th generation educator, and fellow podcast host, Chip Baker. Chip and I talk about his podcast, his love of teaching and more!!!
Key Takeaways:
Good teachers learn from their students.
Learn to be aware and listen.
Be an independent thinker.
Giving service by teaching can make a massive positive impact.
Chip's Site: https://squareup.com/store/chip-baker-the-success-chronicles
Chip's Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chip-baker-the-success-chronicles/id1385159125
The opening track is titled, "SFEX x ATCQ" by madxruler (formally known as Ruler Inc.) To cop this track and the entire album https://rulerinc.bandcamp.com/track/sfex-x-atcq
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