181 - "What You Focus On Grows" with Kim Ades (@kimades)

“Your life is a reflection of how you think and where you are focused.” - Kim Ades Today's featured author is fellow coach, podcast host, and supermom of 5 kids, Kim Ades. Kim and I talk about shifting your thoughts, the power of her quirky...
“Your life is a reflection of how you think and where you are focused.” - Kim Ades
Today's featured author is fellow coach, podcast host, and supermom of 5 kids, Kim Ades. Kim and I talk about shifting your thoughts, the power of her quirky coaching style and the benefits of journaling.
Key Takeaways:
Thinking impacts outcomes.
Journaling is part of Kim’s coaching style to help her clients get traction.
Using a journal helps you to think things through.
A coach is a person that wakes people up and helps them realize their potential.
How can you use your thinking to turn a bad situation into a benefit?
Describe your dream destination and journal ideas on ways to get there.
Be clear about what you don’t want in life.
Pay attention more often to the things that work.
Great leaders are resourceful, challenge their own beliefs, and focus on what they really want.
“Don’t attach your happiness to somebody else’s behavior.”
Let people be who they are and your happiness be based on the way you think.
Ask yourself, how is my thinking getting in the way of my potential?
Make your thinking align with where you want it to be.
Learn to interpret your negative experiences into wisdom for another day.
Focus more on the things that are gifts in your life instead of focusing on frustrations.
Kim's Site: https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/
Kim's Podcast: https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/the-frame-of-mind-coaching-podcast/
The opening track is titled, "Don't You" from The Solar Mixtape by Asis Galvin. Be sure to capture this beat by clicking this link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/dont-you
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