Aug. 27, 2019

175 - "10 Commandments of Self Improvement" with David Riklan (@SelfGrowthNow)

175 -
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The Going North Podcast

Complacency, fear and bad habits hold you back from success.


Today's featured bestselling author is Founder & President of, David Riklan. David and I talk about what led him to create his company, and the laws that make up the two stone tablets of self-improvement.



Key Takeaways:

Understand why you want something.


Emulate the great.


Always have someone in your life that can hold you accountable.


Mistakes mean that you are trying hard.


Always double, if not triple-check any tech that you use. Especially before a presentation or a political campaign.


Don’t get caught up in the land of distractions. Stay on the mission.



Check out David's program on to cop this special opportunity to advance yourself at a more rapid rate. Use the coupon code DOM to receive a substantial discount on this offer that's filled with Key Points, Action Steps, and Thought-Provoking Questions that will create more sustainable success in your life.


The opening track is titled, "Improve Yourself More" by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To listen and download the entire track, click the following link. 



Related Episodes:

8 - "Gain the Advantage" with Nancy Gaines (@NancyLGaines):


9 - "Life Liberation" with Dr. Sinclair Grey III (@DrSinclairGrey):


14 - "Reach Your Mountaintop" Jeff Davis (@JeffDavis027):


17 - "The Abundance Mentality" with Daniel Ally (@danielallyway):


55 - "Life Branding" with Jon Michail (@jon_michail):


58 - "Top Keys for Weight Loss" with Christy Callahan Cromwell (@ChristyCromwel1):


156 - "Tired & Hungry No More" with Phyllis Ginsberg (@GinsbergPhyllis):


Check out David's program on to cop this special opportunity to advance yourself at a more rapid rate. Use the coupon code DOM to receive a substantial discount on this offer that's filled with Key Points, Action Steps, and Thought-Provoking Questions that will create more sustainable success in your life.