173 - "The God Groove" with David Ritz (@davidritz)

“The world has a weird way of introducing you to individuals.” - David Ritz
Today's featured bestselling & award-winning author is ghostwriter, biographer, and lyricist, David Ritz. David and I talk about selling yourself and how he became a ghostwriter for Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, Grandmaster Flash and tons more!
Key Takeaways:
Ghostwriting is sort of like acting because you are playing the role of another person but through writing.
Every book is a different challenge because it’s a different character.
Never let rejection paralyze you from getting your work published.
A ghostwriter’s job is to listen. Listen to make a living.
Selling is something you can like when you believe in what you’re selling.
A ghostwriter should write the book that they want to read and not the book they want to write.
“Don’t go crazy and try to make a living.”
David's Book: https://www.amazon.com/God-Groove-Blues-Journey-Faith/dp/150117715X
David's Site: http://ritzwrites.com/home.html
A special shout out goes to Marcus D (@marcusd) for his track, "Morning Light" from the Melancholy Prequel (Redux). This album can be copped through this link. https://marcusd.net/track/morning-light-2
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