168 - "Spiral" with Amy Simpkins (@amylsimpkins)

“Enjoy the journey and don’t be summit obsessed.” - Amy Simpkins
Today's featured author is innovation catalyst, MIT-trained engineer, speaker and the "Queen of Big Ideas", Amy Simpkins. Amy and I talk about her book, growing through change and tons more!!
Key Takeaways:
Constant learning keeps life interesting.
What’s important to you now may not be important to you in a different phase of your life.
“I think big thoughts.”
Spend some time in the confusion phase to get to the solution phase.
“All parenting is chaos.”
Who do you want to be?
Contrary to popular opinion, some engineers love hugs.
It’s okay not to know when starting out and seeking to become more innovative.
We need to allow ourselves to grow through change.
Amy's Site: http://www.amysimpkins.com/
Amy's Book: http://www.amysimpkins.com/spiralbook/
Amy's Energy Company -"Mugrid Analytics": http://mugrid.com/
A special shoutout goes to MagicMusicX (@magicmusicx) for his track "Computer Room". Be sure to cop this and his other wonderful tunes through the following link. https://magicmusicx.bandcamp.com/track/the-computer-room
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Disclaimer: Forgive the occasional fireworks in the background since this was recorded on the 4th of July.