“Everything in life is an adventure.” - Jenn Taylor Today's featured author is fellow podcaster, speaker and mother to 18 children, Jenn Taylor. Jenn and I have a wonderful chat about those who inspired her to be a confident lady, how...
“Everything in life is an adventure.” - Jenn Taylor
Today's featured author is fellow podcaster, speaker and mother to 18 children, Jenn Taylor. Jenn and I have a wonderful chat about those who inspired her to be a confident lady, how running has helped her live with passion and tons more!
Key Takeaways:
Pausing to look backward is a good thing.
We always have to be careful of the words we speak.
A lot of entrepreneurs build their businesses from a place of struggle.
Running is good for your emotional and physical well-being.
Start your blog or project today so others will be inspired tomorrow
“Embrace yourself and run with it.”
Jenn's Site: https://www.momof18.com/
The opening track is titled, "A Beautiful Heroine" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). To listen and purchase the full song, click the following link. https://projectr.bandcamp.com/track/a-beautiful-heroine
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