June 20, 2019

156 - "Tired & Hungry No More" with Phyllis Ginsberg (@GinsbergPhyllis)

156 -
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The Going North Podcast

“What might look bad today is going to be a gift tomorrow.” - Phyllis Ginsberg, M.A., MFT


Today's featured author is therapist and Survival to Thrival Expert, Phyllis Ginsberg, M.A., MFT. Phyllis and I talk about the benefits of positive psychology, how to get a good night's rest and tons more!!!


Key Takeaways:

Do your thinking on paper when you are thinking about what you need to do and where you need to be the following day.


During your reflection time before going to the bed, set the intention of your night by writing down 3 good things that happened to you that day.


4 days of lacking sleep leads to bad decision making, food cravings, and lack of resilience.


85 % of all illnesses have an emotional component.


Over 70 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. Which are thought disorders that can be shifted through positive psychology.


“You only know what you know.”


“The human brain was designed for survival.”


Don’t just survive in life but also enjoy it.


Phyllis' Site: https://www.phyllisginsberg.com/ 

Phyllis' Books: https://www.phyllisginsberg.com/books/ 


Related Episodes:


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69 - "Finding the Upside of Down" with Lucille Zimmerman (@LucilleZ): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/69-finding-the-upside-of-down-with-lucille-zimmerman-lucillez


73 - "Sacred Rest" with Dr. Saundra Dalton Smith (@DrDaltonSmith): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/73-sacred-rest-with-dr-saundra-dalton-smith-drdaltonsmith


75 - "Life Falls Apart, But You Don't Have To" with Julie Potiker (@JuliePotiker): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/75-life-falls-apart-but-you-dont-have-to-with-julie-potiker-juliepotiker


114 – “The Art of Fitness & Life” with Julian Hayes II (@thejulianhayes): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/114-the-art-of-fitness-life-with-julian-hayes-ii-thejulianhayes


Super Special Awesome Leadership Episode with Chris Jordan (@cjjordan76): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/super-special-awesome-leadership-episode-with-chris-jordan-cjjordan76





The opening track is titled, "Improve Yourself More" by Rukunetsu aka Project R. To listen and download the entire track, click the following link. https://soundcloud.com/rukunetsu/improve-yourself-more-2018