150 - "Princess Monroe and Her Happily Ever After" with Jody Vallee Smith

“Anything you do of value is an inside job.” - Jody Vallee Smith
Today's featured author is a mother, former interior designer and longtime believer in fairytales, Jody Vallee Smith. Jody and I talk about her book, helping young girls realize their potential, social media and tons more mompreneur goodness!!!
Key Takeaways:
Kids are better at coaching than life coaches.
When writing and publishing a book, make sure you hire the right people to be on your team. Especially as an indie author.
Having good teammates on a project helps you stay focused on a goal.
Be committed to releasing a good product.
To find your calling in life, start where your anger and or fear is.
Get out of your bubble and go travel.
When people create, they start to heal.
Jody's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Princess-Monroe-Happily-Ever-After/dp/1948604035
Jody's Site: https://www.princessmonroe.com/
Jody's IG: https://www.instagram.com/jodyvalleesmith/
The Courageous Girl Project: https://www.facebook.com/courageousgirlcommunity/
The opening track is titled "Glorious Fanfare Remix" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/ff13-2-glorious-fanfare-remix
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