We often carry a lot of mental luggage around and don’t realize it. Today's featured author is ordained minister, Rev. Jacqueline Goodwin. Jacqueline and I talk about her book, her healing that led to the title of the book and tons more!!...
We often carry a lot of mental luggage around and don’t realize it.
Today's featured author is ordained minister, Rev. Jacqueline Goodwin. Jacqueline and I talk about her book, her healing that led to the title of the book and tons more!!
Key Takeaways:
Keep it both physically and spiritually fit.
Look at the simple things around us that we take for granted and be grateful for them.
Failure is never final.
There is always purpose in your pain.
Sometimes you need to “go into shutdown” by giving yourself moments of silence from outside noise and fasting to receive physical healing.
Rev. Jacqueline's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Vessel-Mothers-Daughters-Journey/dp/097050084X
Rev. Jacqueline's Site: http://www.healinginthevesselministries.com/home/index
The opening track is titled "Pharmaceutic" by Marcus D. Be sure to visit his site (https://marcusd.net/track/pharmaceutic) and support his craft.
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