141 - "Thou Shall Be Successful" with William Winfield (@Willisblessed38)

“If you don’t know your value, you’re always going to give a discount.” - William Winfield Today's featured author is fellow certified empowerment speaker, minister, author and CEO of WAR (We Are Royalty), William Winfield. Will...
“If you don’t know your value, you’re always going to give a discount.” - William Winfield
Today's featured author is fellow certified empowerment speaker, minister, author and CEO of WAR (We Are Royalty), William Winfield. Will and I talk about how he became an author, how to connect with millennials and more!
Key Takeaways:
Don’t give discounts to the people in your life that don’t appreciate you.
Be around those who give equal value.
“You can’t blame God for your mistakes.”
Be careful with the seeds that you plant.
FAITH = Forwarding All Issues to Heaven
“Leaders don’t compete, they duplicate.”
People will relate to your style of writing. Get what’s in your head onto paper.
Write once get paid forever.
NOW = No Opportunity Wasted
My pulpit isn’t stationary.
Be agile with sharing your message.
Millennials can tell very quickly if you’re being fake.
Be relatable by sharing your life stories.
The opening track is titled "Strike Strong" by Asis Galvin. To listen and purchase the full track, click the following link. https://asisgalvin.bandcamp.com/track/strike-strong
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