April 24, 2019

140 - "Raising the Bar" with Lisa Boucher (@LBoucherAuthor)

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The Going North Podcast

Today's featured award-winning author and fellow speaker Lisa Boucher. Lisa and I talk about the dangers of alcohol, making mindful choices and tons more!


Key Takeaways:

You don’t need to hit a real low point to have a desire for change.


Don’t waste precious moments of your life by worrying. Especially with things you cannot control.


Have a code of ethics and stick to it.


Be true to yourself.


Lisa's Site: http://raisingthebottom.com/


Lisa's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Raising-Bottom-Mindful-Choices-Drinking/dp/1631522140 



The opening track is titled, "Bar Lupin" by Marcus D. Check out the full track and download it here. https://marcusd.net/track/bar-lupin