130 - "Dare 2 Dream" with Lisa Ealy (@lisaealy)

“Don’t be the obstacle to your own success.” - Lisa Ealy
Today's featured author is fellow podcast host, minister, and mentor Lisa Ealy. Lisa and I talk about how she became a coach that helps others find the 6-figure job of their dreams and more!
Key Takeaways:
We all must be connected to the Source.
Instead of asking “Why me?” ask, “What’s next?”
Some things are not meant to last a lifetime.
Get help along the way.
Get busy with actually living.
Lisa's Site: https://dare2dreamcareers.com/
Lisa's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Girlfriends-Pray-Devotional-Journal/dp/1726669807
Related Episodes:
Episode 74 - "Deciding to Soar" = http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/74-deciding-to-soar-with-sharronjamison
Episode 9 - "Life Liberation" = http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/the-going-north-podcast-episode-9-dr-sinclair-grey-iii-drsinclairgrey
Episode 22 - "Empower Thyself" = http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/22-empower-thyself-with-anne-alston-alstntec
The opening track is titled, "Oni Kazumi R-Mix" by Rukunetsu (AKA Project R). To listen to the full track and download it, click the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keSXSWor4m0