Feb. 10, 2019

119 - "A Passion for High Performance & Professional Development" with Dr. Elizabeth Carter (@eacaappeal)

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"People want to help other people." - Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM   Today's featured bestselling author is experienced finance professional, professional speaker, distinguished Toastmaster and corporate trainer, Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM. Dr....

"People want to help other people." - Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM


Today's featured bestselling author is experienced finance professional, professional speaker, distinguished Toastmaster and corporate trainer, Dr. Elizabeth Carter, DTM. Dr. Carter and I talk about her journey to publishing her 1st book, accomplishing goals through accountability partners, and tons more!


Key Takeaways:

Collect and journal parts of your life. It may one day benefit someone else.

Writing is a stress reliever. Especially when you are trying to remember something.

You need an accountability partner to keep you on track if you are trying to achieve a goal. Especially iif it's a big goal.

Leverage your passion.

We need people to help us remain accountable.

You can’t do great things if you are trying to do everything.

Have a mentor for each pillar of your life.

i.e. school, work, etc.




Dr. Elizabeth's Site: https://www.eac-aappeal.com/ 


Dr. Elizabeth's Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MKPBJ52 


Related Episode - Episode 7 - "From Teacher to Pro Speaker" with Robert Kennedy III (@robertkennedy3): http://goingnorth.libsyn.com/going-north-podcast-episode-7-teacher-to-pro-speaker-with-robert-kennedy-iii-robertkennedy3  


The opening track is titled "New Perspective" by the magnanimous chill-hop master, Marcus D (@marcusd). Be sure to visit his site and support his craft. http://marcusd.net/album/secret-bosses-unreleased-retrod-beats