117 - "Leaving an Inspirational Legacy" with Darren Mitchell

"Find your purpose." - Darren Mitchell
"Find your purpose." - Darren Mitchell
Today's featured author is life coach and speaker, Darren Mitchell. Darren and I chat about his journey to finally publishing his first book, lessons learned from publishing it and much much more!
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- The real work begins after your book is published.
- “This book is an extension of me.”
- Nothing is ever as easy as you think it will be.
- Writing thoughts about quotes to put in a book can be more difficult than a story because you are constantly switching a thought process depending on the quote.
- Adapt to setbacks when trying to finish a project.
- A good way to find a coach is through referral and making sure they have a proven track record.
Darren's Book: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart?flowlogging_id=19fb93753d0a&mfid=1549264358433_19fb93753d0a#/checkout/openButton
Darren's Site: darrenmitchellspeaks.com
A special shout-out goes to Marcus D (@marcusd) for his track, "Morning Light" from the Melancholy Prequel (Redux). This album can be copped through this link. https://marcusd.net/track/morning-light-2marcusd.net/album/melancholy-pr…el-rising-sun-redux